My rants
Isn't one of the beauties of the Internet that it gives you the opportunity to express yourself with the implicit understanding that "the whole world" can read what's on your mind? Below are links to things I have written for various contexts, some of it published elsewhere, some of it presented here for the first time for your enjoyment! Faren over - IKT-revolusjonen avblåst? (Kunnskapsnettet/Pedagogisk fokus 01.11.2000) Growing
Up Digital and Circular SUE / vg-99-002 - on attempting revolution
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner: Why I Stopped Developing My Interactive Web Exercises .(Språktårnet) En løgnaktig skole? (publisert i Aftenposten Aften, 19.10.1999) Hvem babler? (Klikk, 13.11.1998)