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Answer the following questions. Use AltaVista below to search for any answers you have not found in other sources


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  1. Who were the "pilgrims" that settled in America in the early 1600s?
  2. What was the"Mayflower"?
  3. What countries were colonial powers in America in the 1600s?
  4. What were the causes of the American War of Independence?
  5. Who was the leader of the American forces in the War of Independence?
  6. When did the United States of America become independent?
  7. When as the American Constitution written?
  8. What do you know about the first president of the US?
  9. Who was Thomas Jefferson?
  10. What were the causes of the American Civil War?
  11. What do you know about Abraham Lincoln?
  12. What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
  13. What was "Reconstruction" in the South?
  14. What is meant by the term segregation?
  15. What do you know about Theodore Roosevelt?
  16. When and why did the US join World War I?
  17. What is meant by the term isolationism?
  18. What happened during the 1929 stock market crash?
  19. What was New Deal?
  20. What do you know about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
  21. When and why did the US join World War II?
  22. What do you know about Harry Truman?
  23. Who became president after Truman?
  24. What is meant by the term Camelot used about the Kennedy presidency?
  25. What was the Cuban missile crisis?
  26. Who killed Kennedy?
  27. Who became president when Kennedy was shot? What is this president remembered for?
  28. What do you know about Martin Luther King, jr?
  29. Mention some of the most important achievements of the civil rights movement.
  30. Who was Medgar Evers? Who was Malcolm X?
  31. Which president was known as "Tricky Dick", and why?
  32. What was the "ping-pong diplomacy"?
  33. Who became president in 1976? What is he remembered for?
  34. What was "reaganomics"?
  35. When was Ronald Reagan president?
  36. Who was Reagan's vice president?
  37. What was George Bush's greatest achievement as president?
  38. What is Bush's vice president remembered for?
  39. What was Bill Clinton's political background before being elected president?
  40. How many presidents since World War II have been Democrats, and how many Republicans?
  41. How many presidents since World War II have been from the South?
  42. Who is Kenneth Starr?
  43. Who is Paula Jones?
  44. What is the total population of the United States today? What percentage of the population are black? hispanic? Asian-American?


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